The feeling of standing in ankle-deep ocean water. A steady sinking. Swaying backwards, now forwards. Luxurious warmth. The scent of tires screeching to a halt. The sound of a lion’s roar. These are stay-in-place shoes. These are two clear cases filled with perfectly tempered amniotic fluid. You can’t afford them.
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Collage by Pete
Greenquist |
Am behind on commenting but def not in reading.
In Ferrante's Neapolitan series (did I already suggest to either of you to read them? I love them!), the main character's best friend, in working class 1950s Naples, designs an absolutely perfect shoe. Its merging of beauty, wearability, and uniqueness is the whole thing. But it is never overtly described.
Delayed, but books are now ordered. I think you and Phil recommended the adaptation of "My Brilliant Friend" (tv series). Have also not yet watched, but will likely read first.