just a plate//only possibilities

Can someone be in love with a plate? The feelings evoked by the colors on this plate remind me of a moment I've yet to live. A table that has not yet been set.  

My friend asks me if I think I'm a true autumn. I tell her I'm not sure. 

Perhaps I'm thinking too much of myself as a character in a play. What will I wear today for the role of academic advisor? What about tomorrow for reader in cafĂ© drinking a small coffee with cream? Thursday night, woman on date at overly priced wine bar? I like being part of a scene. Knowing my lines, the cues. 

I remember working a job where I was required to wear a uniform. It was so important to me that I made it my own. Cute and feminine. I wasn't going to wear jeans with the unisex, mulberry button up. That wasn't going to work. I would wear a flared, flower print skirt that stopped just above the knee, black leggings, Mary Jane inspired Clark's, and a chunky necklace hanging close to the collar. It wasn't so much about individuality as much as feeling like a person. 

Sir, I am not part of your story from the gate to the plane. You are part of mine. 


  1. I agree with all of the sentiments here! In love with anticipatory visual situations, dressing for a role,--I don't know if I want to embrace these sensations that have guided me sense childhood or if I want to abandon them, in service of something more Radical.

    1. Fashion in action, in moment, in mind. "In service of something more Radical". I love your wording. What could be unlocked?

      I've been reading, "Sex and the Single Woman: 24 Writers Reimagine Helen Gurley Brown's Cult Classic" where Briallen Hopper references Emma Copley Eisenberg, "Notes on Frump: A Style for the Rest of Us". (https://www.heyalma.com/notes-on-frump-a-style-for-the-rest-of-us/)

      "To be both feminine and unattractive is so unilaterally condemned in this life that to dream outside SAW [Sexy Adult Woman] can feel like madness or an exercise in utopic futility. Yet there might be another way."

  2. I sometimes dress in the costume for a different scene. Neon tennis shoes for a sit-down dinner. Gold high heels at work (although that was a while ago). I want to try layered scarves for gardening. I want these sometimes to be more frequent.

    1. Gardening scarves presents such a beautiful image. I want to reframe the "audience" all together. I'll be getting dressed up today for the snails, the cardinals, the trees, and my cat. I can't think of a more deserving audience.


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